MUD DOG + JINJA + VENDER + TINY BLUE CHILDREN AT EDWARDS NO.8 - SATURDAY 18TH JANUARY 2003 TINY BLUE CHILDREN are a class act that never fails to impress even if I did miss half of their set. Their particular brand of rock has you always wanting more, they manage to sound familiar without sounding too much like anyone else and show such breathtaking quality in their music that makes TINY BLUE CHILDREN stand out from the crowd. The comparison with Pearl Jam and Counting Crowes is accurate yet TINY BLUE CHILDREN are not duplicates of anyone before them, and are striving towards recognition that they truly deserve. Great rock music, with tempo changes and mood swings which carry you along. This talented group of musicians have joined together to make an excellent band that produce cracking rock tracks that you cannot fail to enjoy. Check out what they are up to c/o: Thanks to Robannas for supplying such talent and Edwards for plugging them all in. Neil A. Bromley