
Our Adopted Ship is HMS Campbeltown.

Our President is Capt M Sloan RN.

HMS Campbeltown is a type 22 batch frigate
Displacement 4850 tons
Lenght 148.1 metres, Beam 14.8 metres,
Draught 6.4 metres
Complacement 255

8 x Harpoon Launcher.
2 x SWS 25 Mod 3 SeaWolf Missile Systems.
1 x 4.5 Mk 8 Gun.
2 x 30mm Guns.
Goalkeeper Close-In Weapon System.
2 Triple Torpedo Tubes for ASW Torpedos.
NATO Seagnat Decoy Launchers.

Battle Honour
Battle of the Atlantic 1941-2
St Nazair 1942
Defending the UK interests worldwide.

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